WSS(Wavelength Selective Switch)
What is WSS? W SS stands for Wavelength Selective Switch. WSS has become the central heart of modern DWDM reconfigurable Agile Optical Network (AOC). WSS can dynamically route, block and attenuate all DWDM wavelengths within a network node. The following figure shows WSS’s functionality. The above figure shows that a WSS consists of a single common optical port and N opposing multi-wavelength ports where each DWDM wavelength input from the common port can be switched (routed) to any one of the N multi-wavelength ports, independent of how all other wavelength channels are routed. This wavelength switching (routing) process can be dynamically changed through an electronic communication control interface on the WSS. So in essence, WSS switches DWDM channels or wavelengths. There is also variable attenuation mechanism in WSS for each wavelength. So, each wavelength can be independently attenuated for channel power control and equalization. Reference: What Is Wavelength Selectiv...